aajoba - miss you grandpa

I was lucky to receive the book "My Grandfather (aajoba)" by Taruja Parande
published by tulika
here is my review
click on image to zoom (in case you cant read the print...see below the image)

“A labour of love for an era of grandfathers” Parande has shared her personal and endearing moments with her aajoba in a style that quietly draws us in to be part of the experience as well. Both content and visuals are wholesome and unpretentious - very similar to aajoba. It stirred some deep memories in me as I also had a thatha (grandfather)who was dear to me. The note of thankfulness in the book is so refreshing especially because it is not explicit. Aajoba is a happy book of remembrance - a combination hard to achieve. Techniques of scrapbooking, photography and illustrations have been put together to perfection .. My favourite visual is found in the last page - a pair of hawais with the outline of the owner’s feet. But will the book speak to younger children like it did to me? Their experience with the book is different - my son discovered First Day covers cool cloth bags and flapping wings : -) Thank you Tulika and Taruja Parande.
P.S. Was inspired to share one of my cherished activities with my thatha. We walked together slowly in the evenings around our block. - stopped next to a climber that had gone all the way up to the terrace. We then counted the flowers. I was in college then.


  1. What a beautiful review Rhoda. Thank you so much:)

  2. Thanks Rhoda! Felt really special after reading your post. Especially since its my first book.

    I wish that every child experiences growing up with grandparents. The whole generation gap makes it all the more special. My grandfather's love, his idiosyncrasies, his life stories had enriched my life and made me more compassionate and humble as a person. There's an illustration in Persepolis (which I have read over and over) that stuck with me- Marjane declaring to her grandmother that no old women will suffer again for she is going to be a prophet when she grows up. The grandmother asks how she would go about this and Marjane replies- 'I will simply forbid it'. :)

    Thank you once again for such a wonderful review. I maintain a lazy blog, with my doodles and inspirations. Do take a look- http://tarujaspotpourri.blogspot.com/


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